The Astronomer


Where Earth and Heaven Meets

Where Earth and Heaven Meets

To put it simply, before you can create a warrior, you must first create a universe.

Yet another image from “Wszechświat życie człowiek” (Universe, Life, Human) and this one is actually in Bryson's book (the paper version).

Quote by Friedrich Nietzsche

You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.

Laniakea: Our home supercluster

Laniakea: Our home supercluster
Laniakea: Our home supercluster

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The story of 'Oumuamua, the first visitor from another star system by Karen J. Meech

The story of 'Oumuamua, the first visitor from another star system by Karen J. Meech
The story of 'Oumuamua, the first visitor from another star system by Karen J. Meech

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The most mysterious star in the universe by Tabetha Boyajian

The most mysterious star in the universe by Tabetha Boyajian
The most mysterious star in the universe by Tabetha Boyajian

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The history of our world in 18 minutes

The history of our world in 18 minutes
The history of our world in 18 minutes

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Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan: The Earth as a Planet (1977)

Carl Sagan: The Earth as a Planet (1977)
Carl Sagan: The Earth as a Planet (1977)

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Full Playlist

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The Age of Exploration

The Age of Exploration
The Age of Exploration

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Richard Feynman

FUN TO IMAGINE with Richard Feynman

FUN TO IMAGINE with Richard Feynman
FUN TO IMAGINE with Richard Feynman

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Murray Gell-Mann

Murray Gell-Mann: Beauty and truth in physics

Murray Gell-Mann: Beauty and truth in physics
Murray Gell-Mann: Beauty and truth in physics

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Lord Martin Rees

Martin Rees - The Future of Humanity

Martin Rees - The Future of Humanity
Martin Rees - The Future of Humanity

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Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Larry King Now

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Larry King Now
Neil deGrasse Tyson on Larry King Now

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Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Death By Black Hole

Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Death By Black Hole
Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Death By Black Hole

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Neil deGrasse Tyson at University of Washington

Neil deGrasse Tyson at University of Washington
Neil deGrasse Tyson at University of Washington

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Jill Tarter: Why the search for alien intelligence matters

Jill Tarter: Why the search for alien intelligence matters
Jill Tarter: Why the search for alien intelligence matters

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An awful waste of space

Character of Dr. Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster) in Carl Sagan’s Contact was inspired by Jill Tarter.

First Contact - Marc Kaufman, Jill Tarter, Frank Drake, Seth Shostak (SETI Talks)

First Contact - Marc Kaufman, Jill Tarter, Frank Drake, Seth Shostak (SETI Talks)
First Contact - Marc Kaufman, Jill Tarter, Frank Drake, Seth Shostak (SETI Talks)

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The Search for Intelligent Life Among the Stars: New Strategies

The Search for Intelligent Life Among the Stars: New Strategies
The Search for Intelligent Life Among the Stars: New Strategies

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Seth Shostak on SETI

Seth Shostak on SETI
Seth Shostak on SETI

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Sean Carroll

The Big Picture: From the Big Bang to the Meaning of Life - with Sean Carroll

The Big Picture: From the Big Bang to the Meaning of Life - with Sean Carroll
The Big Picture: From the Big Bang to the Meaning of Life - with Sean Carroll

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Sean Carroll: The Paradoxes of Time Travel

Sean Carroll: The Paradoxes of Time Travel
Sean Carroll: The Paradoxes of Time Travel

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Dr. Alex Filippenko

Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe, Dr. Alex Filippenko, UC Berkeley

Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe, Dr. Alex Filippenko, UC Berkeley
Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe, Dr. Alex Filippenko, UC Berkeley

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Dr. Becky

YouTube Channel

A newly discovered, unexplained Fast Radio Burst | Night Sky News February 2020

A newly discovered, unexplained Fast Radio Burst | Night Sky News February 2020
A newly discovered, unexplained Fast Radio Burst | Night Sky News February 2020

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Physics Girl

YouTube Channel

How the Edge of Our Galaxy Defies Known Physics

How the Edge of Our Galaxy Defies Known Physics
How the Edge of Our Galaxy Defies Known Physics

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