The Philosopher
Westland Warrior #19: The Philosopher

PHILOSOPHY Philosophy (from Greek φιλοσοφία, philosophia, literally “love of wisdom”) is the study of general and fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophia has been called The Mother of All Sciences. EDUCATION SYSTEMS Sir Ken Robinson, in his “How to escape education’s death valley” states that the more successful Alternative Education Systems should become the norm, because they are clearly more successful. How to escape education's death...

The Superhero
Westland Warrior #12: The Superhero

The three secrets of resilient people by Lucy Hone QUOTE BY LUCY HONE > "Number One: Resilient people get that [terrible disasters do happen], > they know that suffering is part of life, this doesn't mean they actually > welcome it [...] just that when the tough times come they seem to know > that suffering is part of every human existence and knowing this stops you > from feeling discriminated against when the tough times come." > > "Number Two: Resilient people are really good at choosing...

The Ultra
Westland Warrior #11: The Ultra

QUOTE BY HENRY FORD > Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right. > > Henry Ford Coming Home Lucy Lawrence & James Lawrence: Breaking endurance barriers, one step at a time QUOTE BY BRUCE LEE > I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man > who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. > > Bruce Lee Bruce Lee ENDURANCE TRAINING Bruce Lee, was the first Ultra that I have heard of. Ultras are folks like you and I that train to jump a little...

The Humanitarian
Westland Warrior #10: The Humanitarian

Peace Corps LIVE DELIBERATELY I beg the youngest of you, to arrange your life in such a way so that each challenge before you, is the hardest thing you have ever done. To paraphrase Thoreau: I beg you to live and grow up deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, to see what love of wisdom has to teach, and not, when it comes to die, discover that you, my dear friend, had. not. yet. lived. Life is not random, it is not an accident, you are an emergent plateau in an infinity of time...

The Intellectual
Westland Warrior #9: The Intellectual

PHILOSOPHY The Greatest minds of our generation, looked back, learned, and brought the waning wisdom back. For the bullied and beautiful JOHN GALT'S SPEECH EXCERPT To those of you who retain some remnant of dignity and the will to live your lives for yourselves, you have the chance to make the same choice. Examine your values and understand that you must choose one side or the other. Any compromise between good and evil only hurts the good and helps the evil. If you've understood what I've said...

The Officer
Westland Warrior #8: The Officer

CADET HONOR CODE WE THE WARRIORS We the warriors in pursuits of excellence, band together in sincerity and truth. May our philosophy be filled with power and may we connect in authenticity. May we strengthen and increase our admiration for honest dealing and clear thinking, and may our hatered of hypocrisy and pretence never diminish. May we inspire each other in our endeavor to live above the common levels of life. May we strengthen each other to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong...

The Lady And The Gentleman
Westland Warrior #7: The Lady And The Gentleman

QUOTE BY EDMUND BURKE > A King may make a Nobleman but he cannot make Gentleman. > > Edmund Burke THE LADY AND THE GENTLEMAN INSIDE OUT There is no force in the universe that can help a person grow up outside in. In education, the idea of dividing all subjects into tidy categories that make perfect sense takes away from beauty of Knowledge. Coupled with the misunderstanding that we can be taught by being talked at, school can only become an exercise in memorization. A school may make a diploma...

The Knight Of Virtue
Westland Warrior #6: The Knight Of Virtue

SIR GALAHAD As we grew so did our grasp on the Human Condition, from bloody and warring clans of duty and loyalty a new kind of class emerged. The Knight of Virtue. Internal influences are as just as powerful at changing a human, as the external ones. To internalize Knightly Virtues, to live by them, to triumph by them, became a sure way to become a hero. Forbearance, Hardihood, Largesse, Benevolence, and Honour. SIR GALAHAD ALFRED LORD TENNYSON My good blade carves the casques of men, My tough lance...

The Soldier
Westland Warrior #5: The Soldier

ZENO OF CITIUM Zeno was the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy, which he taught in Athens from about 300 BC. Based on the moral ideas of the Cynics, Stoicism laid great emphasis on goodness and peace of mind gained from living a life of Virtue in accordance with Nature. According to its teachings, as social beings, the path to happiness for humans is found in accepting the moment as it presents itself, by not allowing oneself to be controlled by whim, the desire for pleasure, or fear of pain...

The Adventurer
Westland Warrior #4: The Adventurer

Nordhouse Dunes: Backpacking in a Snowstorm on Lake Michigan ENDLESS HORIZONS In moving. In endless horizons, and mountains, and the sea; we learn to break away, and find our own paths. And there is a slope to each adventure that follows, and the adventurer knows that slope must increase, and the challenges must grow also. QUOTE BY KRISTEN JONGEN > Strength does not reside in having never been broken, but in the courage > required to grow strong in the broken places. > > Kristen...

The Hunter
Westland Warrior #3: The Hunter

THE BEAR HUNT This artwork has been with me for as long as I can remember, I found it in a book entitled “Wszechświat życie człowiek” (Universe, Life, Human) and one of my favorite writers Bill Bryson wrote something just as good A Short History of Nearly Everything which is available as an Audiobook where he gently talks about learning, and what he learned about our universe. NATURAL BORN ATHLETES We can infer some really important facts about who we are based on where we come from, we can even...

Westland Warrior #2: Introduction

Finding Joe QUOTE BY SUN TZU > Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors > go to war first and then seek to win. > > Sun Tzu Viktor Frankl QUOTE BY VIKTOR E. FRANKL > Don't aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more > you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; > it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one's > personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the...